logo enzo bacqueyrisses

Full-stack developer , typescript
enthusiast and next.js lover .

Full-stack developer , typescript enthusiastand next.js lover .

I'm Enzo, my goal is to create optimized and beautiful websites using the latest technologies in the JavaScript full-stack ecosystem. I'm passionate about open source projects and have specialized in Next.js & TypeScript.

How did the Image component work again?

I got you bro.

Effortless Next.JS documentation exploration powered by AI.
Expand your vocabulary, discover new terms and craft your own list of words.
Design and send AI-crafted, location-based virtual postcards.
next.js kawai logo

Built with Next.js and Vercel


Inventive AI Mind Maps

AI driven

Project backed by Station F


Create detailed and comprehensive brain maps using advanced AI algorithms.
Evaluate and understand your consent with a series of 10 useful questions.

Work Experience

  1. logo de Freelance
    CompanyFreelanceRoleFull-stack DeveloperDate2022 Present
  2. logo de Buildspace
    CompanyBuildspaceRoleFull-stack DeveloperDate2023 2023
  3. logo de MeSoigner
    CompanyMeSoignerRoleSEO DeveloperDate2021 2022
Download CV

Let's connect

Let's build something unique together! For professional inquiries, feel free to reach out, and let's turn your vision into reality with our combined expertise and creativity.